

Hello World

Checks if a given bluetooth device was paired with the user device.

app.IsBtDevicePaired( name ) → Boolean

See Also: GetPairedBtDevices, UnpairBtDevice

Example - Check Paired

function OnStart()
    app.ShowProgress( "enabling Bluetooth" );
    app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true );
    while( !app.IsBluetoothOn() ) app.Wait( 0.2 );

    if( devices.length )
        paired = app.IsBtDevicePaired( devices[0].name );
        app.Alert( paired, devices[0].name + " paired" );
    } else
        app.ShowPopup( "No Paired devices found" );
from native import app

def OnStart():
    app.ShowProgress("enabling Bluetooth")
    while not app.IsBluetoothOn():

    if devices:
        paired = app.IsBtDevicePaired(devices[0].name)
        app.Alert(paired, devices[0].name + " paired")
        app.ShowPopup("No Paired devices found")
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Example - Check Paired from Available

function OnStart()
    app.ShowProgress( "enabling Bluetooth" );
    app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true );
    while( !app.IsBluetoothOn() ) app.Wait( 0.2 );

    app.DiscoverBtDevices( "", bt_OnFound, bt_OnComplete );
    app.ShowProgress( "Discovering bt devices" );

function bt_OnFound( name, address )
    var paired = app.IsBtDevicePaired( name );
    app.ShowPopup( name + ": paired: " + paired );


function bt_OnComplete() {
from native import app

def OnStart():
    app.ShowProgress("enabling Bluetooth")
    while not app.IsBluetoothOn():

    app.DiscoverBtDevices("", bt_OnFound, bt_OnComplete)
    app.ShowProgress("Discovering bt devices")

def bt_OnFound(name, address):
    paired = app.IsBtDevicePaired(name)
    app.ShowPopup(name + ": paired: " + str(paired))

def bt_OnComplete():
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Example - Pairing and Unpairing bluetooth devices

function OnStart()
    app.ShowProgress( "enabling Bluetooth" );
    app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true );
    while( !app.IsBluetoothOn() ) app.Wait( 0.2 );

    app.DiscoverBtDevices( "", bt_OnFound, bt_OnComplete );
    app.ShowProgress( "Discovering bt devices" );

    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear" );

    lst = app.CreateList( "", 1, 1, "fontawesome" );
    lst.SetOnTouch( pair );
    lay.AddChild( lst );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

function bt_OnFound( name, address )
    var image = "";
    if( app.IsBtDevicePaired( name )) image = "[fa-bluetooth]";
    lst.AddItem( name, address, image );

function bt_OnComplete() {

function pair( name, address )
    if(!app.IsBtDevicePaired( name ))
        app.ShowProgress( "Pairing " + name );
        app.PairBtDevice( address, OnPair );
        lst.SetItem( name, name, address, "");
        app.ShowProgress( "Unpairing " + name );
        app.UnpairBtDevice( address, OnUnpair );
        lst.SetItem( name, name, address, "");

function OnPair( name, address ) {
    app.Alert( name + " " + address, "Pairing successful!" );

function OnUnpair() {
    app.Alert( name + " " + address, "Unpairing successful!" );
from native import app

def OnStart():
    global lst
    app.ShowProgress("enabling Bluetooth")
    while not app.IsBluetoothOn():

    app.DiscoverBtDevices("", bt_OnFound, bt_OnComplete)
    app.ShowProgress("Discovering bt devices")

    lay = app.CreateLayout("linear")

    lst = app.CreateList("", 1, 1, "fontawesome")


def bt_OnFound(name, address):
    image = ""
    if app.IsBtDevicePaired(name):
        image = "[fa-bluetooth]"
    lst.AddItem(name, address, image)

def bt_OnComplete():

def pair(name, address, icon, index):
    if not app.IsBtDevicePaired(name):
        app.ShowProgress("Pairing " + name)
        app.PairBtDevice(address, OnPair)
        lst.SetItem(name, name, address, "")
        app.ShowProgress("Unpairing " + name)
        app.UnpairBtDevice(address, OnUnpair)
        lst.SetItem(name, name, address, "")

def OnPair(name, address):
    app.Alert(name + " " + address, "Pairing successful!")

def OnUnpair():
    app.Alert(name + " " + address, "Unpairing successful!")
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