Returns a list of objects containing the name and bluetooth address of paired devices.
Example - Show
var itv;
function OnStart()
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "fillxy,vcenter" );
lst = app.CreateList( "", .8, .8 );
lay.AddChild( lst );
app.AddLayout( lay );
if( !app.IsBluetoothEnabled() )
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true );
itv = setInterval( checkBtOn, 200 );
function checkBtOn()
if( app.IsBluetoothOn() )
clearInterval( itv );
var devices = app.GetPairedBtDevices();
for( var i in devices )
lst.AddItem( devices[i].name, devices[i].address );
def OnStart():
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "fillxy,vcenter" )
lst = app.CreateList( "", .8, .8 )
lay.AddChild( lst )
app.AddLayout( lay )
if !app.IsBluetoothEnabled() :
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true )
itv = setInterval( checkBtOn, 200 )
def checkBtOn():
if app.IsBluetoothOn() :
clearInterval( itv )
devices = app.GetPairedBtDevices()
for i in devices :
lst.AddItem( devices[i].name, devices[i].address )