

Hello World

Executes a piece of code asynchroneously to your program.

app.Execute( js )

It is designed for interacting with your main app from within a WebView.

Example - Execute code from WebView

var html = `
    <script src='file:///android_asset/app.js'></script>

    var source = "html";
    function btn_OnTouch()
        app.Execute( "app.Alert( 'source: " + source + "\\\\ntarget: ' + source );" );

<body style="text-align: center;">
    <input type="button" onclick="btn_OnTouch()" value="Click me!"></button>

var source = "app";

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "fillxy,vcenter" );

    web = app.CreateWebView( .5, .2 );
    web.LoadHtml( html );
    lay.AddChild( web );

    btn = app.CreateButton("call myFunction", .4, .1);

    app.AddLayout( lay );

function btn_OnTouch()
    app.Execute( "app.Alert( 'source: " + source + "\\ntarget: ' + source );" );
html = `
    <script src='file:# /android_asset/app.js'></script>

    source = "html"
    def btn_OnTouch():
        app.Execute( "app.Alert( 'source: " + source + "\\\\ntarget: ' + source );" )

<body style="text-align: center;">
    <input type="button" onclick="btn_OnTouch()" value="Click me!"></button>

source = "app"

def OnStart():
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "fillxy,vcenter" )

    web = app.CreateWebView( .5, .2 )
    web.LoadHtml( html )
    lay.AddChild( web )

    btn = app.CreateButton("call myFunction", .4, .1)

    app.AddLayout( lay )

def btn_OnTouch():
    app.Execute( "app.Alert( 'source: " + source + "\\ntarget: ' + source );" )
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