
App Intents

Hello World
Default Apps
URI Intents
Standard Apps


Intents are a way of communicating between apps, to initiate a specific task or to navigate the user to a different app for various reasons. The used app methods are SendIntent and OpenUrl.

This section is a collection of various examples that illustrate various use cases of intents and related methods.

Default Apps

Example - Default Apps

var categories = [
    "android.intent.category.APP_BROWSER",    // browser
    "android.intent.category.APP_MUSIC",     // music
    "android.intent.category.APP_CALCULATOR", // calculator
    "android.intent.category.APP_CONTACTS", // contacts
    "android.intent.category.APP_EMAIL",     // email
    "android.intent.category.APP_MAPS",     // maps
    "android.intent.category.APP_GALLERY",    // gallery
    "android.intent.category.APP_CALENDAR", // calendar
    "android.intent.category.APP_MARKET",     // market
    "android.intent.category.APP_MESSAGING", // messaging
app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.intent.action.MAIN", categories[0]);
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URI Intents

Playstore App Page

var packageName = "";
app.OpenUrl("market:details?id=" + packageName);

Skype: URI documentation

Standard Apps


Example - Create Email in GMail App

var packageName = "";
var className = "";
var action = "android.intent.action.VIEW";
var category = null;
var uri = "";
var type = "message/rfc822";

var extras = JSON.stringify([
    { name: "android.intent.extra.EMAIL", type: "list", value: "" },
    { name: "android.intent.extra.SUBJECT", type: "string", value: "My subject" },
    { name: "android.intent.extra.TEXT", type: "string", value: "Hello!" }

app.SendIntent(packageName, className, action, category, uri, type, extras);
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Google Maps

Google Maps intent documentation

Example - Basic Maps

function OnStart()
    var lat = "51.5117";
    var lng = "-0.1275";
    simpleMap(lat, lng);

function simpleMap(latitude, longitude)
    var packageName = "";
    var className = null;
    var action = "android.intent.action.VIEW";
    var uri = "geo:" + latitude + "," + longitude;
    app.SendIntent(packageName, className, action, null, uri);
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Example - Maps Turn by Turn Navigation

function navigateTo(latitude, longitude)
    var packageName = "";
    var className = null;
    var action = "android.intent.action.VIEW";
    var uri = "google.navigation:q=" + latitude + "," + longitude;
    if (app.IsAppInstalled(packageName))
        app.SendIntent(packageName, className, action, null, uri);
        app.Alert("maps app not installed");
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Example - Maps Location

"geo:0,0?q=34.5678,123.4567 (Placename)" // uri argument
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Phone Calls

Note: package and activity are not required because the dialer app differs among manufacturers and sometimes event among models from same manufacturer.

Example - Phone Call

/* Some devices may display the Dialer app for both `DIAL` and `CALL`.
* `CALL` requires `PHONE` permission and `DIAL` does not
* `DIAL` does not allow emergency calls
* `DIAL` suppresses some special characters such as # to prevent abuse

// Launch Dialer app
app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.intent.action.DIAL", null, "tel:5551237654");

// Direct Call
app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.intent.action.CALL", null, "tel:5551237654");
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Example - Basic SMS

var number = "0123456789";
var message = "my message";

app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.intent.action.SENDTO",
    null, 'smsto:' + number, null,
        name: "sms_body",
        type: "string",
        value: message
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Example - Camera Modes

// Launch a camera in still image mode.
app.SendIntent(null, null, "");

// Launch secure photo mode without attaching personal info
// previous snaps/videos, gallery, etc. link won't work
// used when device is secured (pin, password, etc), recommended use in locker apps.
app.SendIntent(null, null, "");

// Launch a camera in video recording mode.
app.SendIntent(null, null, "");
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The Settings Intent Documentation has a Constants section with available Actions. Replace ACTION_ by android.settings. to get the category parameter.

Example - Settings

// Bluetooth
app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.settings.BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS" )
// WiFi
app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.settings.WIFI_SETTINGS" )
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Example - Add Calendar Event

function cal_si_insert()
    var today =;

    var extras = [
        { name: "description", type: "string", value: "DS SendIntent Description" },
        { name: "title", type: "string", value: "DS SendIntent Title" },
        { name: "beginTime", type: "long", value: today },
        { name: "eventLocation", type: "string", value: "DS SendIntent Address" },
        { name: "endTime", type: "long", value: today + 3600000 },
    extras = JSON.stringify(extras);

    app.SendIntent(null, null, "android.intent.action.INSERT", null,
        "android.intent.Events.CONTENT_URI", "", extras);
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Example - Receive Broadcasts

function OnStart()

    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.intent.action.HEADSET_PLUG");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.intent.action.SOUND_SETTINGS");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.intent.action.TIME_TICK");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.AccessibilityService.FINGERPRINT_GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.action.CAMERA_BUTTON");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.action.MEDIA_BUTTON");

    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.a2dp.profile.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED");
    //app.SetOnBroadcast( rb ,"android.bluetooth.a2dp.profile.action.PLAYING_STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.LOCAL_NAME_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.SCAN_MODE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECT_REQUESTED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.BOND_STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.CLASS_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.FOUND");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.NAME_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.device.action.UUID");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.devicepicker.action.DEVICE_SELECTED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.devicepicker.action.LAUNCH");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.headset.action.VENDOR_SPECIFIC_HEADSET_EVENT");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.headset.profile.action.AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.headset.profile.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.input.profile.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED");
    app.SetOnBroadcast(rb, "android.bluetooth.pan.profile.action.CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED");

function rb(type, msg) {

function handleReply(error, reply) {

function OnBack() { app.ToFront(); }
function OnPause() { app.ToFront(); }
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