Creates a shell SystemProcess (ie. “sh”, “su” if root or “busybox” if installed) which can be reused throughout the program.
If env or dir are not provided HOME and TMDDIR are set by the component.
Example - Basic
function OnStart()
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear" );
txt = app.CreateText( "", 1, 1, "Log,Monospace,autoscale" );
lay.AddChild( txt );
app.AddLayout( lay );
sys = app.CreateSysProc( "sh" );
sys.Out( "netstat\n" );
sys.SetOnInput( sys_OnInput );
sys.SetOnError( sys_OnError );
sys.Out( "netstoat\n" );
function sys_OnInput( msg )
txt.Log( msg );
function sys_OnError( msg )
txt.Log( msg );
Example - Colored
function OnStart()
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear" );
scr = app.CreateScroller( 1, 1, "horizontal" );
lay.AddChild( scr );
txt = app.CreateText( "", 1, -1, "monospace,log" );
txt.SetTextSize( 8 );
txt.SetLog( 1000 );
scr.AddChild( txt );
app.AddLayout( lay );
sys = app.CreateSysProc( "sh" );
sys.SetOnInput( sys_OnInput );
sys.SetOnError( sys_OnError );
Exec( "netstat\n" );
Exec( "ls -al /sdcard/ | grep D >&2\n" );
function Exec( cmd )
sys.Out( cmd );
txt.Log( cmd, "green" );
scr.ScrollTo( 0, txt.GetHeight() );
function sys_OnInput( msg )
txt.Log( msg );
scr.ScrollTo( 0, txt.GetHeight() );
function sys_OnError( msg )
txt.Log( msg, "red" );
scr.ScrollTo( 0, txt.GetHeight() );
The following methods are available on the SysProc object:
Number: integer
String: path to folder ( “/absolute/...” or “relative/...” )
String: path to file ( “/absolute/...” or “relative/...” )
String: program name: “sh” or “su” or “busybox”
String: comma “,” separated: “combine” or
String: comma “,” separated: “nowait”
List: boolean,char,byte,short,int,long,float,double,String,CharSequence,...
Batch method calls to be able to set all object's properties at once.
Note that you need to specify each parameter (use “” or null to leave some out)
Inherited methods can be called by appending an underscore to the function name (ie. txt.Batch({ SetBackColor_: [“red”] })
Read data from stderr
Returns the control class name.
Read data from stdin
sys.MethodAllows access to other functions defined on the object in Java via reflection.
Note: This function is a premium feature. Please consider subscribing to Premium to use this feature and support DroidScript in its further development.
Writes a command to stdout. A trailing linebreak will execute it.
Returns the first byte of a file.
Define a callback function which is called when something was written to stderr
Define a callback function which is called when something was written to stdout
Write a binary string to a file.