The Notification object can be used to put messages in the notification drawer.
ntf = app.CreateNotification(
options )
app object: Notification
The “AutoCancel” option will automatically dismiss the notificatin if the user touches it. “FullScreen” tries to create a larger notification on the screen. And “OnGoing” makes the Notification closeable by your app only.
Use the SetMessage method to tell the object what to display
notify.SetMessage( ticker, title, text );
The Notify method tells it to send the notification:
notify.Notify( id );
When the user touches your notification, your app will come to the front, even if it was not running.
If you use more than one notification, app.GetNotifyId can be used to check which notification was pressed by the user.
Example - Notification
function OnStart()
app.ShowPopup( "Sending notification" );
notify = app.CreateNotification();
notify.SetMessage( "Ticker", "Title", "Text" );
notify.Notify( "testID" );
setTimeout( cancel, 5000 );
function cancel()
notify.Cancel( "testID" );
app.ShowPopup( "Notification cancelled" );
The following methods are available on the Notification object:
Number: milliseconds
hexadecimal: “#rrggbb”, “#aarrggbb”
colourName: “red”, “green”, ...
String: path to file ( “/absolute/...” or “relative/...” )
String: comma “,” separated: “Ongoing”,
String: “id” or “*”
String: “CheckPerms”
Batch method calls to be able to set all object's properties at once.
Note that you need to specify each parameter (use “” or null to leave some out)
Inherited methods can be called by appending an underscore to the function name (ie. txt.Batch({ SetBackColor_: [“red”] })
Cancel a notification with a specific id.
Returns the control class name.
Listens for any notification the user gets. Requires notification access by granted by android.settings.ACTIONNOTIFICATIONLISTENER_SETTINGS.
Send the notification to the user.
Set an image which will be displayed bigger than usual.
Activate the device notification LEDs.
Set notification texts.
Called when a notification has been intercepted.
Set a small image in your notification.