

Hello World
- Methods

The MediaStore is used to query audio information from the android provider or from the device in the “/sdcard/Music” folder.

med = app.CreateMediaStore( ) → app object: MediaStore

Example - Query Artists

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );

    lst = app.CreateList( "", 1, .9 );
    lay.AddChild( lst );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

    app.ShowProgress( "Query Artists" );
    media = app.CreateMediaStore();
    media.SetOnArtistsResult( media_OnArtistsResult );
    media.QueryArtists( "", "artist", "external" );

function media_OnArtistsResult( result )
    result.forEach( function( m )
        var s = "";
        for( var k in m ) s += k + ": " + m[k] + "\n";
        lst.AddItem( m.artist, s.slice( 0, -4 ), "" );
    } );
Copy All       Run      

Example - Query Albums

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );

    lst = app.CreateList( "", 1, .9 );
    lst.SetColumnWidths( 0.3 );
    lst.SetIconSize( 0.2 );
    lay.AddChild( lst );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

    app.ShowProgress( "Query Albums" );
    media = app.CreateMediaStore();
    media.SetOnAlbumsResult( media_OnAlbumsResult );
    media.QueryAlbums( "", "album", "external" );

function media_OnAlbumsResult( result )
    result.forEach( function( m )
        var s = "";
        for( var k in m ) s += k + ": " + m[k] + "\n";
        lst.AddItem( m.album, s.slice( 0, -4 ), m.albumArt == "null" ? "audio" : m.albumArt );
    } );
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Example - Query Media

function OnStart()
    lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );

    lst = app.CreateList( "", 1, .9 );
    lay.AddChild( lst );

    app.AddLayout( lay );

    app.ShowProgress( "Query Media" );
    media = app.CreateMediaStore();
    media.SetOnMediaResult( media_OnMediaResult );
    media.QueryMedia( "", "title", "external" );

function media_OnMediaResult( result )
    result.forEach( function( m )
        var s = "";
        for( var k in m ) s += k + ": " + m[k] + "\n";
        lst.AddItem( m.title, s.slice( 0, -4 ), "" );
    } );
Copy All       Run      


The following methods are available on the MediaStore object:

GetAlbumArt( image, id, options ) → Boolean
GetSongArt( image, id, options ) → Boolean
GetType() → String: “MediaStore”
Number: integer
String: sql code
String: “internal” or “external”
String: coloumns: “album”, “_id”, “albumArt”, “artist”, “numSongs”, “firstYear”, “lastYear”
String: coloumns: “_id”, “artist”, “numAlbums”, “numTracks”
String: coloumns: “title”, “_id”, “duration”, “size”, “uri”, “album”, “albumID”, “artist”, “artistId”
Object: { COMMAND }
app object: Image
List: [{ album, id, albumArt, artist, numSongs, firstYear, lastYear }]
List: [{ id, artist, numAlbums, numTracks }]
List: [{ title, id, duration, size, uri, album, albumID, artist, artistId }]
function( result )
function( result )
function( result )
Batch method calls to be able to set all object's properties at once.
Note that you need to specify each parameter (use “” or null to leave some out)
Inherited methods can be called by appending an underscore to the function name (ie. txt.Batch({ SetBackColor_: [“red”] })
Loads the album image to an existing image.
Loads the song image to an existing image.
Returns the control class name.
Search for media albums.
Search for media artists.
Search for media.
Define a callback function which is called when an album query has finished.
Define a callback function which is called when a artist query has finished.
Define a callback function which is called when a media query has finished.