

Hello World
- Methods

Data tables display sets of data across rows and columns.

tbl = MUI.CreateDataTable( columns, values, width, height, options ) → Object

You can pass options and and configure your header and rows to add specific functionality.

Example - Basic


function OnStart()
    lay = MUI.CreateLayout("Linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

        var headers = ["ID", "Name", "Age", "Color"]
        var values = [
            "1:Robb Stark:14:Blue",
            "2:Sansa Stark:11:Teal",
            "3:Arya Stark:9:Green",
            "4:Bran Stark:7:Orange",
            "5:Rickon Stark:Grey"
        var table = MUI.CreateDataTable(headers, values, 0.96, 0.6)

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Add Sortable to the header type if you want the column to be sortable when click. You can also add the Numeric type to right align text for number values.

Example - Sortable and Numeric Column


function OnStart()
    lay = MUI.CreateLayout("Linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

        var headers = ["ID", "Name:Sortable", "Age:Sortable", "Color"]
        var values = [
            "1:Robb Stark:14:Blue",
            "2:Sansa Stark:11:Teal",
            "3:Arya Stark:9:Green",
            "4:Bran Stark:7:Orange",
            "5:Rickon Stark:2:Grey",
            "6:Theon Greyjoy:18:Brown",
            "7:Jon Snow:11:Red"
        var table = MUI.CreateDataTable(headers, values, 0.96, 0.6)

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Add Selectable option to make the rows in the table selectable.

Example - Selectable and Dark


function OnStart()
    lay = MUI.CreateLayout("Linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

        var headers = ["ID", "Name:Sortable", "Age", "Color"]
        var values = [
            "1:Robb Stark:14:Blue",
            "2:Sansa Stark:11:Teal",
            "3:Arya Stark:9:Green",
            "4:Bran Stark:7:Orange",
            "5:Rickon Stark:2:Grey",
            "6:Theon Greyjoy:18:Brown",
            "7:Jon Snow:11:Red"
        var table = MUI.CreateDataTable(headers, values, 0.96, 0.6, "Selectable")

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You can also add a footer into your table if you want controls associated with table interactions.

Example - With Footer


function OnStart()
    lay = MUI.CreateLayout("Linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

        var headers = ["ID", "Name:Sortable", "Age"]
        var values = [
            "1:Robb Stark:14",
            "2:Sansa Stark:11",
            "3:Arya Stark:9",
            "4:Bran Stark:7",
            "5:Rickon Stark:2"
        var table = MUI.CreateDataTable(headers, values, 0.96, 0.6, "Selectable")

        var ftr = table.AddFooter("Linear", "Horizontal, Right, VCenter", 0.09)

        var fBtn = MUI.CreateButtonFlat('REMOVE SELECTED')
        table.SetOnSelectionStatus(function(c) {
            if(c) fBtn.SetEnabled(true)
            else fBtn.SetEnabled(false)

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The following methods are available on the DataTable object:

GetAbsHeight() → Number: integer
GetAbsWidth() → Number: integer
GetHeight( options ) → Number
GetLeft( options ) → Number
GetParent() → app object
GetPosition( options ) → Object: { left, top, right, bottom }
GetTop( options ) → Number
GetVisibility() → String: “Show” or “Hide” or “Gone”
GetWidth( options ) → Number
IsEnabled() → Boolean
IsOverlap( obj, depth ) → Boolean
IsVisible() → Boolean
app object
Number: fraction (0..1)
Number: integer
Number: milliseconds
Number: Fraction of the screen width
Number: Fraction of the screen height
Number: A fraction of the screen height.
String: comma “,” separated: “Selectable”
String: “Type of layout. Can be Linear” or “Absolute” or “Frame. Default to Linear”
String: “A comma separated layout options. Default to Horizontal” or “Right” or “VCenter”
String: “A colon ':' separated entries for the new row.”
String: “px”
String: “screen”, “px”
String: “px” or “sp” or “dip” or “mm” or “pt”
String: “Show” or “Hide” or “Gone”
String: “Linear.None” or “Quadratic.In/Out” or “Cubic.In/Out” or “Quartic.In/Out” or “Quintic.In/Out” or “Sinusoidal.In/Out” or “Exponential.In/Out” or “Circular.In/Out” or “Elastic.In/Out” or “Back.In/Out” or “Bounce.In/Out”
Object: { x, y, w, w, sw, sh, rot }
List: An array of strings of the form Name. Where 'Name' is the column name and 'Type is the column type [Can be Sortable or Numeric]'
List: An array of strings of the form Val1:Val3...
List: An array of indexes.
List: An array of indexes you want to remove. It can also be just a number for a single index.
List: A comma separated strings of the form "Val1:Val3:..."
function( indexes )
function( value )
function( isTrue )
function( row, index )
Add a footer layout to the table where you can add controls.
Add a row at the end of the table. The same as AddRow
Removes the focus of the control so that the user no longer has immediate access to it.
Set the focus to the control so that the user can interact with it immediately.
Get the absolute height of the control in pixels.
Get the absolute width of the control in pixels.
Get the height of the control as screen height relative float or in pixels with the px option.
Get the distance from the control to the left parent border as width relative float or in pixels with the px option.
Returns the parent control object where the object was added to - commonly a layout.
Returns data about the position and size of the control.
If the screen option is given the position on the screen will be returned. Otherwise relative to the parent control.
The px options turns the relative values into pixels.
Get the selected rows. This function is synchronous. You need to pass a callback.
Get the distance from the control to the upper parent border as height relative float or in pixels with the px option.
Returns the current visibility state of the control. The Values are:
Show: visible
Hide: invisible but still consuming space
Gone: invisible and not consuming space
Get the width of the control as screen width relative float or in pixels with the px option.
Hides the control without consuming any more layout space as if it were never there.
Hide the control but keep the layout space free.
Returns whether the control is currently useable by the user.
Returns whether the control overlaps with another by a given distance.
Returns whether the control is currently visible to the user, ignoring overlaying controls.
Add a row at the beginning of the table.
Remove a row at a given index or indexes
En/Disable the control physically and visually so that the user can/can not access the control. Events like OnTouch will still be fired.
Define a distance to other controls on each side of the control.
Calls a function when the Table is on progress
Calls a function when the Table is ready and rendered already.
Calls a function when the selection status of the table changes.
Calls a function when a row in the table is click.
Defines the position and size for the control if the parent is an absolute layout.
Set the rows of the table to a new values of data.
Change the visibility of the control to one of the available modes:
Show: visible
Hide: invisible but still consuming space
Gone: invisible and not consuming space
Set the visibility of the control to “Show”.
Performs an animation on the control.
The target object is for the position, size and rotation that the control has at the end of the animation.

The type specifies the behavior and the speed of the animation. Separated by a dot, you must also specify whether you want to apply this behavior to the beginning (In), end (Out), or to both (InOut) times of the animation.

With the amount of repeats you can control how many times you want to play the animation.

If you have jojo activated, the animation will alternate between forward and backward playback, so that if the repetition value is odd, the control will be at the start position again at the end of the animation.

Finally the callback function will be called after the animation has finished. Well, it's about time!