

Hello World
- Methods

CreateGame automatically turns your app in game mode and adds a GameView control to it which loads the referenced script.

gam = app.CreateGame( file, orient )

It also applies various settings to your app such like orientation, ScreenMode(“Game”) and PreventScreenLock(true).
You can still access the GameView and the layout where it was added to via and gam.lay

Note: If you want to have more control over the GameView control use CreateGameView directly.

You can also put the cfg.Game flag at the top level of your script to write the game code immediately in your main script.

Example - Game_Bounce.js

//Configure app for landscape game mode.
cfg.Game, cfg.Portrait

//Called when game starts, so we can load our assets.
function OnLoad()
    //Enable physics with gravity of 20.
    gfx.AddPhysics( 20 )

    //Enclose screen with invisible walls.
    gfx.Enclose( -1, "left,right" )

    //Create our sprite images.
    sky = gfx.CreateBackground( "/Sys/Img/Sky.jpg", "stretch" )
    bunny = gfx.CreateSprite( "/Sys/Img/Bunny.png", "bunnies" )
    floor = gfx.CreateRectangle( 1, 0.05, 0x338833, 0,0,1, "floor" )

//Called when game assets have loaded.
function OnReady()
    //Add background.
    gfx.AddBackground( sky )

    //Add floor.
    gfx.AddGraphic( floor, 0, 0.95 )
    floor.SetPhysics( 2, "fixed", 0.9, 0.8, 0.1 )

    //Add character and set physics properties.
    //(groupId, type, density, bounce, friction)
    gfx.AddSprite( bunny, 0.2, 0.2, 0.05 )
    bunny.SetPhysics( 1, "Dynamic", 0.5, 0.9, 0.1 )
    bunny.SetVelocity( 0.7, 0 )

    //Start game.
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Example - Demo

function OnStart()
    app.CopyFile("/assets/samples/Game_Bounce.js", "script.js");
    app.CreateGame("script.js", "landscape");
Copy All       Run      


The following methods are available on the Game object:

gameapp object: Game
layapp object: Layout
String: path to file ( “/absolute/...” or “relative/...” )
String: “Portrait” or “Landscape”
app object: GameView
app object: Layout