

Hello World

Adds an appbar on a given layout.

apb = MUI.AddAppBar( parent, p1, p2, p3, options ) → Object

See CreateAppBar, CreateAppBarElegant and CreateAppBarModern for a full documentation. The parameters p1, p2 and p3 depends on the type of appbar. Refer to each type for more info. Example for CreateAppBar and CreateAppBarElegant 'ps' is 'title', 'p2' is 'logoIcon' and 'p3' is 'controls'. For CreateAppBarModern 'p1' is 'hint','p2' is 'controlIcon' and 'p3' is 'color'.

Example - AddAppBar


function OnStart()
    lay = MUI.CreateLayout("Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
        apb1 = MUI.AddAppBar(lay, "My Appbar", "menu", "search,more_vert", "Default")
        apb2 = MUI.AddAppBar(lay, "My Appbar", "menu", "search,more_vert", "Elegant")
        apb3 = MUI.AddAppBar(lay, "Search product", "search", null, "Modern,Round")
        apb3 = MUI.AddAppBar(lay, "Search product", "search", null, "Modern,Rectangle")
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String: “Title text” or “Hint”
String: “Material Icon”
String: “controls” or “color”
String: comma “,” separated: “Elegant” or “Modern” or “Default and Round” or “Rectangle for Modern Appbar”
Object: MUI Layout or DS Layout control