

Hello World
- Examples
- Properties
- Methods

"Popup" is like a short notification that quickly appears on the screen, providing extra options or information in a concise and unobtrusive manner.

pop = ui.showPopup( msg, options?, duration?, action? ) → ui object: Popup

Here are the available methods for the Popup Component.


Example - Basic

class Main extends App
        // Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        // Add button control to the main layout
        this.btn1 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Show Popup")

        // Add a callback handler when the button is touched
        this.btn1.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )

        // Display popup on the Top with transition Grow
        ui.showPopup("Hello from popup!")
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
    btn1 = ui.addButton(main, "Show Popup")

def onTouch(event):
    ui.showPopup("Hello from popup!")
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Example - Popup with transition

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
        this.main.setChildMargins(0, 0, 0, 0.02)

        // Adds first button to the main layout
        this.btn1 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Top & Grow", "Primary")
        this.btn1.setOnTouch( this.onTouch1 )

        // Adds second button to the main layout
        this.btn2 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Bottom and Slide", "Secondary")
        this.btn2.setOnTouch( this.onTouch2 )

        // Display popup on the Top with transition Grow
        ui.showPopup("Hello world.", "Top,Grow")

        // Display popup on the Bottom with transition Slide in 1.5 seconds.
        ui.showPopup("Hello world.", "Bottom,Slide", 1500)
class Main extends App
        # Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
        this.main.setChildMargins(0, 0, 0, 0.02)

        # Adds first button to the main layout
        this.btn1 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Top & Grow", "Primary")
        this.btn1.setOnTouch( this.onTouch1 )

        # Adds second button to the main layout
        this.btn2 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Bottom and Slide", "Secondary")
        this.btn2.setOnTouch( this.onTouch2 )

        # Display popup on the Top with transition Grow
        ui.showPopup("Hello world.", "Top,Grow")

        # Display popup on the Bottom with transition Slide in 1.5 seconds.
        ui.showPopup("Hello world.", "Bottom,Slide", 1500)
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Example - With action

class Main extends App
        // Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
        this.layMain = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        // Add a button control to the main layout
        this.btn = ui.addButton(this.layMain, "Show Popup")

        // Add a callback handler when the button is touched
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.showMessage )

        // Show a popup with additional action
        this.snackbar = ui.showPopup("Please login to continue", "Bottom,Center", "", "Login")

        // Add a callback handler when the action is touched
        this.snackbar.setOnAction( this.onAction )

        // Hide the popup when the action button is click
        ui.showPopup("Login is click. Show login Page.")
class Main extends App
        # Create a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
        this.layMain = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        # Add a button control to the main layout
        this.btn = ui.addButton(this.layMain, "Show Popup")

        # Add a callback handler when the button is touched
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.showMessage )

        # Show a popup with additional action
        this.snackbar = ui.showPopup("Please login to continue", "Bottom,Center", "", "Login")

        # Add a callback handler when the action is touched
        this.snackbar.setOnAction( this.onAction )

        # Hide the popup when the action button is click
        ui.showPopup("Login is click. Show login Page.")
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The following properties are available on the Popup object:



The following methods are available on the Popup object:

getPosition() → Object
Number: Time in milliseconds. Pass this if you don't want the default auto hide duration.
String: “The message to display on the pop-up.”
String: “A comma separated options.
Duration: `Short`”
, “ `Long`
Vertical Alignment: `Top`”
, “ `Bottom`
Horizontal Alignment: `Left`”
, “ `Center`”, “ `Right`
Action options: `Icon`”
, “ `HideOnAction`
Transition: `Grow`”
, “ `Fade`”, “ `Slide`”, “ `Collapse`”, “ `Zoom`”
String: “Action button text”
String: “Vertical alignment. Values can be `Top` `Bottom`”
String: “Horizontal alignment. Values can be `Left` `Center` and `Right`”
Sets or returns the duration of the popup in milliseconds.
Returns the position of the popup. The returned object is of the form { vertical, horizontal }
Hide the popup.
Adds an action callback when the user touches the action button. The btnText param must
be provided in order to create an action button.
Adds an onClose callback to your popup.
Updates the position of the popup.
Show the popup.
Sets or returns the text of the popup.