

Hello World
- Examples
- Properties
- Methods

Popover is very useful on showing additional info or displaying instructions especially when the control is click or hovered.

pvr = ui.showPopover( parent, text?, position?, width?, height? ) → ui object: Popover

These are the methods available for the Popover Component.


Example - Basic

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

        // Creates a button control where to attached the popover
        this.btn = ui.addButton(this.main, "Show Popover")

        // Add a callback handler when the button is click
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )

    onTouch() {
        // Display a popover when the button is click
        ui.showPopover(this.btn, "This is a text to be displayed.")
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    global btn
    # Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")

    # Creates a button control where to attach the popover
    btn = ui.addButton(main, "Show Popover")

    # Add a callback handler when the button is clicked

def onTouch(event):
    # Display a popover when the button is clicked
    ui.showPopover(btn, "This is a text to be displayed.")
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Example - Positioning

class Main extends App
        this.aorigin = "tl"
        this.torigin = "tl"

        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
        this.main.setChildMargins(null, 2, null, 2, "rem")

        var lay = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Linear", "Horizontal", 1)
        lay.childSpacing = "around"

        var sels = "Top-Left,Top-Center,Top-Right,Center-Left,Center-Center,Center-Right,Bottom-Left,Bottom-Center,Bottom-Right"

        // Selection of anchor origin or position on parent control
        this.selAOrigin = ui.addSelect(lay, sels.split(","), "Filled", 0.4)
        this.selAOrigin.label = "anchorOrigin"
        this.selAOrigin.setOnTouch(m => {
            m = m.toLowerCase()
            var c = m.split("-")
            this.aorigin = c[0][0]+c[1][0] // get the initials only

        // Selection of transform origin or position on popover itself
        this.selTOrigin = ui.addSelect(lay, sels.split(","), "Filled", 0.4)
        this.selTOrigin.label = "transformOrigin"
        this.selTOrigin.setOnTouch(m => {
            m = m.toLowerCase()
            var c = m.split("-")
            this.torigin = c[0][0]+c[1][0] // get the initials only

        this.posTxt = ui.addText(this.main, "Position: tl,tl")

        this.btn = ui.addButton(this.main, "Show here")

    update() {
        var pos = this.aorigin+","+this.torigin
        this.posTxt.text = "Position: "+pos

        // Show the popover message with the current position setting
        this.pop = ui.showPopover(this.btn, "This is a popover message", pos)

        // Hide the popover after a second
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 1000)
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    # Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,Horizontal", 1, 1)

    lay1 = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.5, 1)
    lay1.setChildMargins(0, 0.05)

    ui.addText(lay1, "Position on parent", "h5")

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Top-Left")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Top-Center")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tc,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Top-Right")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tr,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Center-Left")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "cl,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Center-Center")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "cc,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Center-Right")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "cr,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Bottom-Left")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "bl,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Bottom-Center")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "bc,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay1, "Bottom-Right")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "br,tl"))

    lay2 = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.5, 1)
    lay2.setChildMargins(0, 0.05)

    ui.addText(lay2, "Origin on popover", "h5")

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Top-Left")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,tl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Top-Center")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,tc"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Top-Right")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,tr"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Center-Left")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl", "cl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Center-Center")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,cc"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Center-Right")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,cr"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Bottom-Left")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,bl"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Bottom-Center")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,bc"))

    btn = ui.addButton(lay2, "Bottom-Right")
    btn.setOnTouch(lambda event: ui.showPopover("This is a popover message", "tl,br"))
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Example - Advanced

class Main extends App
        // Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
        this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1 )

        // Creates a button where to attached the popover.
        this.btn = ui.addButton( this.main, "Show Popover" )
        this.btn.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )

    onTouch() {
        // Display a custom popover when the button is click.

        // Create a layout with `null` parent to be pass into the popover
        var lay = ui.addLayout(null, "Linear", "VCenter,Left")
        lay.setChildMargins(0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05)

        // you can add text
        ui.addText(lay, "Header", "h5")

        // you can add as many text as you can
        ui.addText(lay, "This is a very long text to display in this popover", "Left")

        // you can also add button
        this.popBtn = ui.addButton(lay, "Close", "Outlined", "Secondary")
        this.popBtn.setOnTouch( this.closePopover )

        // pass the layout into the `ui.showPopover` method
        this.pop = ui.showPopover( this.btn, lay, "bl,tr")

    closePopover() {
from hybrid import ui

def OnStart():
    global btn
    # Creates a fullscreen layout with objects vertically centered.
    main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1)

    # Creates a button where to attach the popover.
    btn = ui.addButton(main, "Show Popover")

def onTouch(event):
    # Display a custom popover when the button is clicked.

    # Create a layout with `null` parent to be passed into the popover
    lay = ui.addLayout(None, "Linear", "VCenter,Left")
    lay.setChildMargins(0.1, 0.05, 0.1, 0.05)

    # you can add text
    ui.addText(lay, "Header", "h5")

    # you can add as many texts as you can
    ui.addText(lay, "This is a very long text to display in this popover", "Left")

    # you can also add a button
    ui.addButton(lay, "Outlined Button", "Outlined", "Secondary")

    # pass the layout into the `ui.showPopover` method
    ui.showPopover(btn, lay, "bl,tr")
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The following properties are available on the Popover object:



The following methods are available on the Popover object:

Number: Fraction of the screen width `[0-1]`.
Number: Fraction of the screen height `[0-1]`.
String: “The text to de displayed. For displaying more data”, “ pass a `Layout`”
String: “A comma separated values representing the
, “transformOrigin"`
`anchorOrigin` Position of the popover on its parent.
`transformOrigin` Origin on the popover itself.
Available values for both `anchorOrigin` and `transformOrigin`  are
`tl` for top-left”
, “ `tc` for top-center”, “ `tr` `cl` `cc` `cr` `bl` `bc` and `br` for bottom-right.”
Object: UI component. Can be a `Layout` `Button` `Image` `Text` or any UI component except dialogs.
Sets or returns the path to the background image.
Sets or returns the font file use for the Popover.
Hide the popup dialog.
Show the popup dialog.