Adds a layout into your app.
There are 5 types of layouts: "Linear", "Absolute", "Frame", "Slide" and "Card". Layouts are transparent by default but you can set a background color or a background image. You can add child objects to the Layout by passing the layout as parent when initializing a control. By default, Layouts will auto-size to wrap and fit their contents but you have 3 more options as to how layout sizes within it's parent: FillXY, FillX, and FillY.
Linear Layouts
Linear layouts are probably the most common type and are used to organize controls in the Vertical or Horizontal orientation on the screen. You can also pass alignment options. For vertical alignment you can pass Top, VCenter, and Bottom. For horizontal alignment you can pass Left, Center, and Right. These will align your children accordingly. For children spacing, see childSpacing property below.
Absolute Layouts
Absolute layouts ignore all alignment options and allow the absolute positioning of controls by calling the setPosition method of each child control. However, you are encouraged to use linear layouts for most of your programs, unless it is absolutely necessary.
Frame Layouts
Frame layouts are used to display objects in front or behind each other. Everytime a child control is added, the new control is placed in a new layer in front of the previously added control at the top left of the frame. You can then use setPosition method of the child control to position it relative to the frame.
Slide Layouts
Slide layouts are used to display carousels or swipeable contents. The same as the Frame layout, this will add a new layer when a new control is added with a swipeable behaviour. You can pass alignment options to align your children within the Slide layout layer. Please note that Vertical and Horizontal options will be the direction of the swipe. If your parent layout is of type Slide, do not add setOnTouch callback handler in order for the slide layout to work perfectly.
Card Layouts
Card layouts are used to display surfaces with elevation and a rounder corners to emphasize its contents. This type of layout has default values for padding. You can clear the padding by setting the padding property to 0. If you want to use the material design card implementation, refer to the Card component.
To set the width and height of a layout, pass a width and height argument as a decimal fraction of its parent's width and height.
In some scenarios where you want the layout to occupy the available space, you can add "FillXY" in the options argument to fill the available width and height of its parent. Similarly, when you want to fill the available horizontal space, you can pass "FillX" and "FillY" for filling the available vertical space.
Here are the available methods for the Layout Component.
Example - Main layout
class Main extends App
this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1)
this.main.setOnTouch( this.onTouch )
this.btn = ui.addButton(this.main, "Button", "primary")
this.btn.setOnTouch( this.btnTouch )
ui.showPopup( "You click the layout!" )
if(this.main.backColor == "yellow")
this.main.backColor = "white"
this.main.backColor = "yellow"
from hybrid import ui
def OnStart():
global main
main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter", 1, 1)
btn = ui.addButton(main, "Button", "primary")
def onTouch(event):
ui.showPopup("You click the layout!")
def btnTouch(event):
if main.backColor == "yellow":
main.backColor = "white"
main.backColor = "yellow"
Example - Bottom aligned with margins
class Main extends App
this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "Bottom,FillXY")
this.main.setChildMargins(0, 0.05, 0, 0.05)
this.btn1 = ui.addButton( this.main, "Button 1", "Primary" )
this.btn2 = ui.addButton( this.main, "Button 2", "Secondary" )
this.btn3 = ui.addButton( this.main, "Button 3", "Primary,Outlined" )
from hybrid import ui
def OnStart():
main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "Bottom,FillXY")
main.setChildMargins(0, 0.05, 0, 0.05)
btn1 = ui.addButton(main, "Button 1", "Primary")
btn2 = ui.addButton(main, "Button 2", "Secondary")
btn3 = ui.addButton(main, "Button 3", "Primary,Outlined")
Example - Orientation and spacing
class Main extends App
this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,Horizontal", 1, 1)
this.main.childSpacing = "even"
this.btn1 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Button 1", "Primary")
this.btn2 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Button 2", "Secondary")
this.btn3 = ui.addButton(this.main, "Button 3", "Primary,Outlined")
from hybrid import ui
def OnStart():
main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,Horizontal", 1, 1)
main.childSpacing = "even"
btn1 = ui.addButton(main, "Button 1", "Primary")
btn2 = ui.addButton(main, "Button 2", "Secondary")
btn3 = ui.addButton(main, "Button 3", "Primary,Outlined")
Example - Slide Layout
class Main extends App
this.main = ui.addLayout( "main", "Slide", "VCenter,FillXY" )
this.main.setOnSlide( this.onSlide )
var lay1 = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay1.backColor = "yellow"
ui.addText(lay1, "First Page")
var lay2 = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay2.backColor = "green"
ui.addText(lay2, "Second Page")
var lay3 = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay3.backColor = "red"
ui.addText(lay3, "Third Page")
var lay4 = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay4.backColor = "blue"
ui.addText(lay4, "Fourth Page")
ui.showPopup("Swipe horizontally", "Long");
onSlide( ctrl, index ) {
ui.showPopup( index, "", 350 );
from hybrid import ui
def OnStart():
main = ui.addLayout("main", "Slide", "VCenter,FillXY")
lay1 = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay1.backColor = "yellow"
ui.addText(lay1, "First Page")
lay2 = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay2.backColor = "green"
ui.addText(lay2, "Second Page")
lay3 = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay3.backColor = "red"
ui.addText(lay3, "Third Page")
lay4 = ui.addLayout(main, "Linear", "VCenter", 0.8, 0.5)
lay4.backColor = "blue"
ui.addText(lay4, "Fourth Page")
ui.showPopup("Swipe horizontally", "Long");
def onSlide(ctrl, index):
ui.showPopup(index, "", 350)
Example - Player control using Card layout
class Main extends App
this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
this.crd = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Card", "Horiz", 0.9, 0.2);
this.crd.cornerRadius = 12;
this.crd.elevation = 8;
this.crd.padding = 0;
var lay1 = ui.addLayout(this.crd, "Linear", "Left", 0.6, 1);
lay1.padding = ["1rem", "1rem", "1rem"];
var title = ui.addText(lay1, "100 Years", "H5");
var subheader = ui.addText(lay1, "Five For Fighting", "textSecondary")
var actionsLay = ui.addLayout(lay1, "Linear", "Horiz,VCenter,Left,FillAxis", 1);
var prevBtn = ui.addButton(actionsLay, "fast_rewind", "Small,Icon");
var playBtn = ui.addButton(actionsLay, "play_arrow", "Icon,Large");
playBtn.margins = ["1rem", 0, "1rem", 0];
var nextBtn = ui.addButton(actionsLay, "fast_forward", "Small,Icon");
var lay2 = ui.addLayout(this.crd, "Linear", "", 0.4, 1);
var img = ui.addImage(lay2, "", "", 1, 1);
class Main extends App
this.main = ui.addLayout("main", "Linear", "VCenter,FillXY")
this.crd = ui.addLayout(this.main, "Card", "Horiz", 0.9, 0.2)
this.crd.cornerRadius = 12
this.crd.elevation = 8
this.crd.padding = 0
lay1 = ui.addLayout(this.crd, "Linear", "Left", 0.6, 1)
lay1.padding = ["1rem", "1rem", "1rem"]
title = ui.addText(lay1, "100 Years", "H5")
subheader = ui.addText(lay1, "Five For Fighting", "textSecondary")
actionsLay = ui.addLayout(lay1, "Linear", "Horiz,VCenter,Left,FillAxis", 1)
prevBtn = ui.addButton(actionsLay, "fast_rewind", "Small,Icon")
playBtn = ui.addButton(actionsLay, "play_arrow", "Icon,Large")
playBtn.margins = ["1rem", 0, "1rem", 0]
nextBtn = ui.addButton(actionsLay, "fast_forward", "Small,Icon")
lay2 = ui.addLayout(this.crd, "Linear", "", 0.4, 1)
img = ui.addImage(lay2, "https:#", "", 1, 1)
The following properties are available on the Layout object:
The following methods are available on the Layout object:
Number: Fraction of the parent width `[0-1]`.
Number: Fraction of the parent height `[0-1]`.
Number: The time in milliseconds.
Number: The z-index. A negative value behaves like `sendBackward` method.
Number: Index of a given layout.
Number: The z-index. A positve value behaves like `bringForward` method.
Number: Border-left thickness in pixels.
Number: Border-top thickness in pixels.
Number: Border-right thickness in pixels.
Number: Border-bottom thickness in pixels.
Number: Left margin. You can also pass string e.g. `12rem`
Number: Top margin. You can also pass string e.g. `12rem`
Number: Right margin. You can also pass string e.g. `12rem`
Number: Bottom margin. You can also pass string e.g. `12rem`
Number: Top-Left border radius.
Number: Top-Right border radius.
Number: Bottom-Right border radius.
Number: Bottom-Left border radius.
Number: Fraction of the component width.
Number: Fraction of the component height. [0-1]
Number: Fraction of the component width. [0-1]
Number: Fraction of the parent width. [0-1]
Number: Fraction of the parent height. [0-1]
Number: The x-scale of the component.Values less than `0` is smaller than the normal. While values greater than `1` is greater than the normal.
Number: The y-scale of the component. Values less than `1` is smaller than the normal. While vaues greater than `1` is greater than the normal.
String: “The layout type. Values can be `"Linear"`”, “ `"Absolute"`”, “ `"Frame"`”, “ `"Slide"`”, “ `"Card"`”
String: “A comma separated options.
Orientation: `Horizontal`”, “ `Vertical`
Horizontal Alignment: `Left`”, “ `Center`”, “ `Right`
Vertical Alignment: `Top`”, “ `VCenter`”, “ `Bottom`
Dimensions: `FillXY`”, “ `FillX`”, “ `FillY`”, “ `FillAxis`
Scroll: `ScrollX`”, “ `ScrollY`”, “ `ScrollXY`”, “ `NoScrollBar`
`BackColor` to apply theme background color rather than transparent.
`NoScrollBar` to remove scrollbar when scroll options is passed.
`TouchThrough` to enable touch events to propagate behind the layers in frame layouts.
`"Touchable"` enable touch in card layout.
`"Outlined"` card variant is outlined.
`"Square"` card rounded corners is remove.”
String: “The type of animation. Here are the available values
`bounce`”, “ `flash`”, “ `pulse`”, “ `rubberBand`”, “ `shakeX`”, “ `shakeY`”, “ `headShake`”, “ `swing`”, “ `tada`”, “ `wobble`”, “ `jello`”, “ `heartBeat`”, “
Back Entrances: `backInDown`”, “ `backInLeft`”, “ `backInRight`”, “ `backInUp`
Back Exits: `backOutDown`”, “ `backOutLeft`”, “ `backOutRight`”, “ `backOutUp`
Bouncing Entrances: `bounceIn`”, “ `bounceInDown`”, “ `bounceInLeft`”, “ `bounceInRight`”, “ `bounceInUp`
Bouncing exits: `bounceOut`”, “ `bounceOutDown`”, “ `bounceOutLeft`”, “ `bounceOutRight`”, “ `bounceOutUp`
Fading entrances: `fadeIn`”, “ `fadeInDown`”, “ `fadeInDownBig`”, “ `fadeInLeft`”, “ `fadeInLeftBig`”, “ `fadeInRight`”, “ `fadeInRightBig`”, “ `fadeInUp`”, “ `fadeInUpBig`”, “ `fadeInTopLeft`”, “ `fadeInTopRight`”, “ `fadeInBottomLeft`”, “ `fadeInBottomRight`
Fading exits: `fadeOut`”, “ `fadeOutDown`”, “ `fadeOutDownBig`”, “ `fadeOutLeft`”, “ `fadeOutLeftBig`”, “ `fadeOutRight`”, “ `fadeOutRightBig`”, “ `fadeOutUp`”, “ `fadeOutUpBig`”, “ `fadeOutTopLeft`”, “ `fadeOutTopRight`”, “ `fadeOutBottomRight`”, “ `fadeOutBottomLeft`
Flippers: `flip`”, “ `flipInX`”, “ `flipInY`”, “ `flipOutX`”, “ `flipOutY`
Lightspeed: `lightSpeedInRight`”, “ `lightSpeedInLeft`”, “ `lightSpeedOutRight`”, “ `lightSpeedOutLeft`
Rotating Entrances: `rotateIn`”, “ `rotateInDownLeft`”, “ `rotateInDownRight`”, “ `rotateInUpLeft`”, “ `rotateInUpRight`
Rotating Exits: `rotateOut`”, “ `rotateOutDownLeft`”, “ `rotateOutDownRight`”, “ `rotateOutUpLeft`”, “ `rotateOutUpRight`
Specials: `hinge`”, “ `jackInTheBox`”, “ `rollIn`”, “ `rollOut`
Zooming Entrances: `zoomIn`”, “ `zoomInDown`”, “ `zoomInLeft`”, “ `zoomInRight`”, “ `zoomInUp`
Zooming Exits: `zoomOut`”, “ `zoomOutDown`”, “ `zoomOutLeft`”, “ `zoomOutRight`”, “ `zoomOutUp`
Sliding Entrances: `slideInDown`”, “ `slideInLeft`”, “ `slideInRight`”, “ `slideInUp`
Sliding Exits: `slideOutDown`”, “ `slideOutLeft`”, “ `slideOutRight`”, “ `slideOutUp`”
String: “The mode of the measurements. Values can be `px` or `%`”
String: “Border color in hexadecimal format `#rrggbb`.”
String: “Border-styles. Values can be `dotted`”, “ `dashed`”, “ `solid`”, “ `double`”, “ `groove`”, “ `ridge`”, “ `inset` and `outset`. Default is `solid`”
String: “Unit of measurement.
`px` for pixels
`%` relative to its parent dimension.
`v` relative to viewport dimension”, “
String: “Unit of measurement. Values are `px` `rem` or `%`.”
String: “Unit of measurement.
`rem` for root em.
`px` for pixels
`%` relative to its parent dimension.
`v` relative to viewport dimension.”
String: “Unit of measurement.
`rem` for root em.
`px` for pixels
`%` relative to its parent dimensions
`v` relative to viewport dimensions.”
String: “Unit of measurment. Can be "px"”, “ "rem"”, “ "%"”, “ "v" for viewport width/height or any css supported unit.”
Object: The parent layout where to add this component. Pass a string `main` for the main layout of your app.
Object: The child object of the layout.
Object: The child component of the layout.
Object: The child component to check.
Object: The child control to be remove.
Object: The pointer event object.
Object: The position of the touch event.
Object: The control component.
component ,
Returns the absolute height of the control in pixels.
Returns the absolute distance of the control from the left in pixels.
Returns the absolute distance of the control from the top in pixels.
Returns the absolute width of the control in pixels.
Sets or returns the horizontal alignment of the control in a Linear Layout. Values can be "Left" "Center" and "Right"
Animate the component.
A hexadecimal color of the form #rrggbb
The path to your image file.
Sets or returns the border thickness in pixels.
Sets or returns the border color. Color is in hexadecimal form #rrggbb
Sets or returns the border style. Values can be dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset and outset. Default is solid.
Bring this component forward by a given z-index.
Sets or returns the margins of child components. The array is of the form [left, top, right, bottom].
Returns all the children added to this layout.
Sets or returns the spacing of the child control in a Linear Layout. Values can be "Around" "Between" "Even"
Move the child to the front.
Clear the content of the layout.
Sets or returns the corner radius in pixels.
Sets or returns the index of the current slide.
Destroy the component.
Sets or returns the disabled state of the control.
Returns the html container element for the control.
Sets or returns the elevation of a card layout.
Sets the style of the html container element.
Sets or returns the relative path to the font-family use.
Returns the index of the child from the layout children stack in order.
Returns the position of the component. The return object is of the form {left, top, right, bottom}
Destroy the component.
Transition to the given index.
Check whether a component is a child of this layout.
Sets or returns the height of the control as a fraction of the parent control.
Hide the component.
Returns whether the control is visible or not.
Sets or returns the layout type. Note: You cannot change the layout type of "Card" and "Slide" to another type.
Returns the distance of the control from the left.
Sets or returns the margin of the control. Works on controls with Linear parent only. You can also pass a number to set equal margins for all sides.
Transition to the next slide.
Sets or returns the opacity of the control.
Sets or returns the options of the control.
Sets or returns the orientation of the controls in a Linear Layout. Values can be 'Horizontal' or "Vertical"
Sets or returns the padding of the control. You can also pass a number to set equal padding for all sides.
Returns the parent layout control.
Returns the position of the control. The returned object has left top right and bottom props.
Transition to the previous slide.
Removes a given child from this layout.
Sets or returns the angle of rotation in degrees.
Bring this component backward by a given z-index.
Sets the border line for the component container.
Sets a default margins for the children of the layout component.
Sets the corner radius of the component.
Sets the margin of the component.
Adds a callback function on right click.
Adds a callback handler when the layout is long touch. The touch timer is about 500 milliseconds.
Adds a callback function to be called when slide event is triggered.
Adds a callback handler when the layout is touch.
Sets the padding of the component's container.
Sets the position of the component relative to its parent dimensions.
Sets the x and y scaling of the component. This will ignore the positioning and flow of controls in the layout.
Sets the size of the component.
Show the component.
Sets or returns the color of the text.
Sets or returns the size of the text within the control.
Returns the distance of the control from the top.
Returns the type of the control.
Sets or returns the card variant. Can be "elevation" or "outlined"
Sets or returns the vertical alignment of the controls in a Linear Layout. Values can be "Top" "VCenter" or "Bottom"
Sets or returns the visibility of the control.
Sets or returns the width of the control as a fraction of the parent control.