Enables Bluetooth on the device.
Example - Enabling Bluetooth
function OnStart()
app.ShowProgress( "Enabling Bluetooth" );
if( !app.IsBluetoothEnabled() )
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true );
var cnt = 0;
while( !app.IsBluetoothOn() && ++cnt < 10 ) app.Wait( 0.3 );
from native import app
def OnStart():
app.ShowProgress( "Enabling Bluetooth" )
if not app.IsBluetoothEnabled():
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( True )
cnt = 0
while not app.IsBluetoothOn() and cnt < 10:
app.Wait( 0.3 )
cnt += 1
Example - En/Disable Bluetooth
var itv = 0;
function OnStart()
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
btnSave = app.CreateButton( "Enable", 0.5, 0.1 );
btnSave.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch );
lay.AddChild( btnSave );
btnLoad = app.CreateButton( "Disable", 0.5, 0.1 );
btnLoad.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch );
lay.AddChild( btnLoad );
app.AddLayout( lay );
function btn_OnTouch()
if( itv ) return;
var op = this.GetText();
if( op == "Enable" )
app.ShowProgress( "Enabling Bluetooth" );
if( !app.IsBluetoothEnabled() )
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( true );
itv = setInterval( checkBtOn, 200 );
app.ShowProgress( "Disabling Bluetooth" );
if( app.IsBluetoothEnabled() )
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( false );
itv = setInterval( checkBtOff, 200 );
function checkBtOn()
if( app.IsBluetoothOn() )
app.ShowPopup( "Bluetooth is on" );
clearInterval( itv );
itv = 0;
function checkBtOff()
if( !app.IsBluetoothOn() )
app.ShowPopup( "Bluetooth is off" );
clearInterval( itv );
itv = 0;
from native import app
itv = 0
def OnStart():
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" )
btnSave = app.CreateButton( "Enable", 0.5, 0.1 )
btnSave.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch )
lay.AddChild( btnSave )
btnLoad = app.CreateButton( "Disable", 0.5, 0.1 )
btnLoad.SetOnTouch( btn_OnTouch )
lay.AddChild( btnLoad )
app.AddLayout( lay )
def btn_OnTouch():
if itv:
op = this.GetText()
if op == "Enable":
app.ShowProgress( "Enabling Bluetooth" )
if not app.IsBluetoothEnabled():
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( True )
itv = app.SetInterval( checkBtOn, 200 )
app.ShowProgress( "Disabling Bluetooth" )
if app.IsBluetoothEnabled():
app.SetBluetoothEnabled( False )
itv = app.SetInterval( checkBtOff, 200 )
def checkBtOn():
if app.IsBluetoothOn():
app.ShowPopup( "Bluetooth is on" )
app.ClearInterval( itv )
itv = 0
def checkBtOff():
if not app.IsBluetoothOn():
app.ShowPopup( "Bluetooth is off" )
app.ClearInterval( itv )
itv = 0