Send a message from a Service to the main app.
Example - Services
var servicejs = `
//Init variables.
var count = 0;
var diff = 1;
//Called when service is started.
function OnStart()
app.ShowPopup( "Hello from Service!" );
//Start a timer to do some regular work.
setInterval( DoWork, 500 );
//Called when we get a message from main app.
function OnMessage( msg )
app.Debug( msg );
//Handle commands from main App.
if( msg == "change" ) diff = (diff > 0 ? -1 : 1);
//This is where we do some regular background task
//(here we just modify a counter and send it back to the app, if its running).
function DoWork()
count += diff;
app.SendMessage( count );
function OnStart()
app.WriteFile("Service.js", servicejs );
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
txt = app.CreateText( "", 0.4 );
txt.SetTextSize( 22 );
lay.AddChild( txt );
btn = app.CreateButton( "Send Message to Service", 0.6, 0.1 );
lay.AddChild( btn );
btn.SetOnTouch( function(){ svc.SendMessage("change"); } );
btn = app.CreateButton( "Stop Service", 0.6, 0.1 );
lay.AddChild( btn );
btn.SetOnTouch( function(){ svc.Stop(); } );
app.AddLayout( lay );
svc = app.CreateService( "this", "this", OnServiceReady );
svc.SetOnMessage( OnServiceMessage );
function OnServiceReady()
app.Debug( "Service Ready" );
function OnServiceMessage( msg )
txt.SetText( "Count: " + msg );
from native import app
servicejs = """
#Init variables.
count = 0
diff = 1
#Called when service is started.
def OnStart():
app.ShowPopup( "Hello from Service!" )
#Start a timer to do some regular work.
setInterval( DoWork, 500 )
#Called when we get a message from main app.
def OnMessage( msg ):
global diff
app.Debug( msg )
#Handle commands from main App.
if msg == "change":
diff = -1 if diff > 0 else 1
#This is where we do some regular background task
#(here we just modify a counter and send it back to the app, if its running).
def DoWork():
count += diff
app.SendMessage( count )
def OnStart():
global txt
app.WriteFile("Service.js", servicejs )
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" )
txt = app.CreateText( "", 0.4 )
txt.SetTextSize( 22 )
lay.AddChild( txt )
btn = app.CreateButton( "Send Message to Service", 0.6, 0.1 )
lay.AddChild( btn )
btn.SetOnTouch( lambda: svc.SendMessage("change") )
btn = app.CreateButton( "Stop Service", 0.6, 0.1 )
lay.AddChild( btn )
btn.SetOnTouch( lambda: svc.Stop() )
app.AddLayout( lay )
svc = app.CreateService( "this", "this", OnServiceReady )
svc.SetOnMessage( OnServiceMessage )
def OnServiceReady():
app.Debug( "Service Ready" )
def OnServiceMessage( msg ):
txt.SetText( "Count: " + msg )