Returns the state of a connected joystick.
The key can have many values depending on the used controller. The axis-n keys are for different joystick x/y/z axes or the D-Pad - you will best try which key stands for which button with the attached example.
See Also: GetJoystickName
Example - Show States
function OnStart()
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear" );
txt = app.CreateText( "", 1, 1, "monospace,left,multiline" );
lay.AddChild( txt );
app.AddLayout( lay );
app.SetDebug( "console" );
app.Animate( ShowStates, 10 );
function ShowStates()
var keys = "A|B|C|X|Y|Z|R1|L1|Up|Down|Left|Right|Start|ThumbLeft|ThumbRight|" +
keys = keys.split("|");
var lst = [];
for(var i in keys)
var state = app.GetJoystickState(0, keys[i]);
lst.push(keys[i] + ": " + state);
txt.SetText( lst.join( "\n" ) );
from native import app
def OnStart():
global txt
lay = app.CreateLayout("linear")
txt = app.CreateText("", 1, 1, "monospace,left,multiline")
app.Animate(ShowStates, 10)
def ShowStates(time, dtime):
keys = "A|B|C|X|Y|Z|R1|L1|Up|Down|Left|Right|Start|ThumbLeft|ThumbRight|"
keys = keys.split("|")
lst = []
for i in keys:
state = app.GetJoystickState(0, i)
lst.append(i + ": " + str(state))