

Hello World

Call main app functions from inside a webview.

app.Func( name, ...args )

Example - WebView Greeter

var html = `
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <script src='file:///android_asset/app.js'></script>

function greetWeb(name) {
    app.ShowPopup("Hello " + name + ", I'm the WebView");
function greetApp() {
    app.Func("greetApp", "WebView");
function OnRequest(err, s) {

<input type="button" onclick="greetApp()" value="Greet App"/>

function OnStart()
    var lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "FillXY,VCenter");

    web = app.AddWebView(lay, 1, 0.5);

    var btn = app.AddButton(lay, "Greet WebView");


function greetApp(name) {
    app.ShowPopup("Hello " + name + ", I'm the App");
function greetWeb() {
    web.Func("greetWeb", "App");
from native import app

html = """
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
    <script src='file:///android_asset/app.js'>

def greetWeb(name):
    app.ShowPopup("Hello " + name + ", I'm the WebView")

def greetApp():
    app.Func("greetApp", "WebView")

def OnRequest(err, s):

<input type="button" onclick="greetApp()" value="Greet App"/>

def OnStart():
    global web
    lay = app.CreateLayout("linear", "FillXY,VCenter")

    web = app.AddWebView(lay, 1, 0.5)

    btn = app.AddButton(lay, "Greet WebView")


def greetApp(name):
    app.ShowPopup("Hello " + name + ", I'm the App")

def greetWeb():
    web.Func("greetWeb", "App")
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