Allows to en- or disable the devices back key.
When it is disabled the global OnBack app event will called when the user presses the back button - otherwise the app exits.
You can use this method to create a custom BACK command that allows you to navigate between your layouts.
Example - Example
function OnStart()
app.EnableBackKey( false );
function OnBack()
var yesNo = app.CreateYesNoDialog( "Exit App?" );
yesNo.SetOnTouch( yesNo_OnTouch );
function yesNo_OnTouch( result )
if( result=="Yes" ) app.Exit();
def OnStart():
app.EnableBackKey( false )
def OnBack():
yesNo = app.CreateYesNoDialog( "Exit App?" )
yesNo.SetOnTouch( yesNo_OnTouch )
def yesNo_OnTouch( result ):
if result=="Yes" : app.Exit()