

Hello World

The wizard is supposed to simplify a configuration progress which requires several inputs and decisions by the user.
These can be settings and usage terms on first startup or an installation process as you might know from desktop applications.

wiz = app.CreateWizard( title, width=-1, height=-1, callback?, options? ) → app object: Wizard

The callback function will be called each time the user changes the wizard page.
The functions gets the current wizard layout and the page index (starting from 1) to identify the current progress.

Note: This function is a premium feature. Please consider subscribing to Premium to use this feature and support DroidScript in its further development.

Page Initialisation

On the very first call the page index is 0 which means 'initialisation'.
Then you have to create and add all wizard pages to the passed (frame) layout.

In case the user cancels the wizard the index is -1.

Example - Demo

function OnStart()
    var theme = app.CreateTheme( "light" );
    app.SetTheme( theme );

    wiz = app.CreateWizard( "My Wizard", 0.7, 0.7, OnWizard );

function OnWizard( lay, page )
    switch( page ) {
    case 0:
        wizTxt = app.CreateText( "", -1, -1, "MultiLine" );
        wizTxt.SetTextSize( 19 );
        lay.AddChild( wizTxt );

        wizFlag = app.CreateText( "[fa-flag-checkered]", -1, -1, "FontAwesome" );
        wizFlag.SetMargins( 0, 0.05, 0, 0 );
        wizFlag.SetTextSize( 64 );
        lay.AddChild( wizFlag );

    case 1:
        var msg = "This is the first page of your wizard";
        wizTxt.SetText( msg );

    case 2:
        var msg = "You can put any controls you like here, including"
            + " a webview and have as many pages as you like";
        wizTxt.SetText( msg );

    case 3:
        wizTxt.SetText( "Wizard complete!" );

    case 4:
        app.ShowPopup( "Wizard finished" );

    case -1:
        app.ShowPopup( "Wizard cancelled" );
from native import app

def OnStart():
    global wiz
    theme = app.CreateTheme("light")

    wiz = app.CreateWizard("My Wizard", 0.7, 0.7, OnWizard)

def OnWizard(lay, page):

    if page == 0:
        wizTxt = app.CreateText("", -1, -1, "MultiLine")

        wizFlag = app.CreateText("[fa-flag-checkered]", -1, -1, "FontAwesome")
        wizFlag.SetMargins(0, 0.05, 0, 0)

    elif page == 1:
        msg = "This is the first page of your wizard"

    elif page == 2:
        msg = "You can put any controls you like here, including a webview and have as many pages as you like"

    elif page == 3:
        wizTxt.SetText("Wizard complete!")

    elif page == 4:
        app.ShowPopup("Wizard finished")

    elif page == -1:
        app.ShowPopup("Wizard cancelled")
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The following properties are available on the Wizard object:

dataObject: { key, value }


The following methods are available on the Wizard object:

GetButtons() → List: of objects: [ btnCancel, btnPrev, btnNext ]
GetDialog() → app object: Dialog
GetLayout() → app object: Layout
GetType() → String: “Wizard”
IsVisible() → Boolean
all types
Number: fraction (0..1)
String: comma “,” separated: “AutoCancel” or “NoCancel”, “NoTitle”, “NoFocus”, “NoDim”, “NoKeys”, “TouchModal”, “NoTouch”
Object: { command: args }
app object: Button
function( layout, page )
Batch method calls to be able to set all object's properties at once.
Note that you need to specify each parameter (use “” or null to leave some out)
Inherited methods can be called by appending an underscore to the function name (ie. txt.Batch({ SetBackColor_: [“red”] })
An object for saving individual extra properties.
Hide the control and remove it from the screen.
Indicate that the Wizard is going to finish on the next page.
Returns the list of the three control buttons at the bottom of the wizard.
Returns the dialog object of the wizard.
Return s the content layout object of the wizard.
Returns the control class name.
Hide the control but keep the layout space free.
Returns whether the control is currently visible to the user, ignoring overlaying controls.
Set the visibility of the control to “Show”.