

Hello World

Alert shows a simple text dialog with a colored title and a 'Ok' button to exit.

app.Alert( message, title?, options='', hue? )

If title was not given the dialog looks like a normal alert box.
Without the NoDim option the background behind the dialog will be darkened.

Note: If no (or a falsy) title is specified the method will use the standard DOM alert() method, which will block the code's execution until closed.

See Also: Error, ShowTextDialog, CreateYesNoDialog.

Example - No Title

function OnStart()
    app.Alert( "Hello World!" );
from native import app

def OnStart():
    app.Alert( "Hello World!" )
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Example - Yellow Title

function OnStart()
    app.Alert( "This is an alert box", "Hello Yellow World!", "", -100 );
from native import app

def OnStart():
    app.Alert( "This is an alert box", "Hello Yellow World!", "", -100 )
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Number: integer: -180..180
String: comma “,” separated: “NoDim”, “NoFocus”